Workshop #3

Beyond Traditional User Research

Embracing Innovative Approaches to Transform Your Research into Effective Insights


About this workshop

We'll share ways to make your user research more effective. By this we mean trusted, insightful and actioned. You'll be working in teams to create new research methodologies to common design challenges - but it won't be dreamy - you'll be working with varying budgets and time so it can work for real life challenges. We think limited budget/time is where you get the most creative.

After this workshop you will have learned new impactful ways to ensure your customer's voice is central to design processes. Not doing research as a tick-box activity - but authentic, insightful, actionable approaches that go beyond ‘best practice’.

Ways to apply research into the business. Whilst we’ll be working on creative approaches, they’ll be practical and realistic. This isn’t just about theory or growing our minds, it’s about discovering ways to truly integrate and embed research.

Ideas for how to gain traction from stakeholders to make sure research is a part of the process when it's needed.

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